Experience in Higher Education

My experiences in college  have shaped and helped to foster an interest in a career in higher education. I have held several different positions that have given me a lot of experience even as a student. Ultimately, I have had four years of experience working in higher education and have had a chance to work closely with Mercyhurst University's Office of Alumni Relations and Annual Giving, Center for Student Engagement and Leadership Development and Office of Admissions.

Chair of the Senior Class Gift Committee
In 2011, I was chosen by the Office of Alumni Relations and Annual Giving to take on the role of the Chair of the Senior Class Gift Committee. At Mercyhurst University, each senior class chooses a gift idea to give back to the school for other students to enjoy. The committee then fund raise by asking senior class students to make a gift to the fund. My class chose to work with our student government to re-do our great room in our Student Union and make it a lounge and entertainment space.

In this role I completed some of the following tasks:
Recruiting committee members and setting up a committee of 25 students
Planning a gift idea and preparing a budget for funds needed to create the gift
Setting a goal of $16,000 to be raised and 55% participation from the senior class*
Complete the fundraising process by asking senior students to make gifts to the fund
Planning and executing events that seniors could attend such as the annual "100 Days Until Graduation Dinner and Party"
*The fundraising and participation goal was reached in February of 2012!

Council for Advancement and Support of Education-Clarence J. Jupiter Fellowship in Institutional Advancement
In 2012, I was chosen to be a fellow though the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE). Each year, the program chooses at least eight students to work in the advancement field at a higher education institution. This program has allowed me to receive hands-on training in the field as I complete an internship at Mercyhurst University in the Office of Alumni Relations and Annual Giving.

In this role I have completed some of the following tasks:
Research the need for a student philanthropy program at the institution
Research programs at other schools that promote student giving
Work to develop a student philanthropy program at Mercyhurst University
Develop a communication campaign to increase awareness in students' perceptions of philanthropy

Student Chair of Summer Orientation and New Student Welcome Week
In 2010, I took on the role of the Student Chair of Summer Orientation and Welcome Week. I was chosen for this two-summer position by the Director of the Center for Student Engagement and Leadership Development. I worked each day over the summer to plan four Summer Orientation days in which new students come to Mercyhurst University to become acquainted with the school. I also worked to prepare for and then implement activities during Welcome Week which is the week before classed begin in the fall. This week is designed to help new students transition into college life.
In this role I have completed some of the following tasks:
Select a group of Laker Leaders (current students who guide and assist the freshmen students)
Trained Laker Leaders and student volunteers
Presented to parents and new students on the topic of “how to get involved outside of the classroom”
Assisted freshmen students and families in transitioning into college life
Directed and planned the Annual Day of Service
Planned and executed a surprise "Flash Mob"     

President of the Ambassador Club
 In 2011, after serving a year as the club's secretary, I was elected by a voting body of 70 student Ambassadors to be the president of the club for my senior year. In this role I served not only as a figure-head for the other student Ambassadors but also oversaw the fundraising, Spring Tea induction ceremony and social committees.
As a student Ambassador I also worked in the Office of Admissions for three summers and during the school year both delivering tours and conducting general office duties.

In this role and the role of a student Ambassador, I completed some of the following tasks:
Completed rigorous 20-week selection process to be inducted; training included a detailed knowledge of the college’s history
Delivered tours of Mercyhurst University to prospective students, prospective faculty members and alumni
Represented the institution during university events
Train/select new club members through a 20-week education process
Assist the Office of Admissions whenever necessary